Funditec - Foundation for Development Innovation and Technology
The Foundation for Development and Technological Innovation (FUNDITEC) is a non profit foundation whose main mission is to contribute to economic and social development via the promotion of technology advancement and innovation. In this way, FUNDITEC supports and collaborates with Public Administration Agencies; Enterprises; Public and Private Organisations; Regional, Local and International entities; Technology and Research Centres; Universities and Third Sector actors in the fields of social innovation, innovation policy development, cooperative projects, SMEs support as well as in many other social and economic areas.
The main fields of activity of our foundation’s projects are the promotion of social innovation initiatives, the promotion of sustainable energies, training awareness rising and lifelong learning activities, the development of territorial instruments and innovation policies and the support to economic innovation actions.
During the last few years Funditec has been involved in several projects framed within the main funding programmes of the European Union such as the ENPI CBC Med, Med initiative, Leonardo da Vinci, SUDOE, Interreg IVC as well as some national and regional programmes.
Role in the Project
Funditec’s experience in both the development of training awareness activities and the promotion of ICT-based social innovation solutions might allow us to provide experienced inputs and insights for the project development and implementation. In Funditec we are aware that lifelong training initiatives and ICT-based solutions will be successfully achieved by promoting innovative learning mechanisms and tools such as the ones foreseen in the LeHo project.
Due to its previous experience Funditec will be responsible of the “WP 9 Exploitation strategy” and will be able to take a prominent role in the identification of the current policy environment and relevant initiatives that might be of interests for the project implementation. Moreover, Funditec will actively contribute to the definition of new training materials (as implemented in some of its previous projects) as well as on new ideas on the project’s results promotion.
As well as the rest of the partners Funditec will also contribute to the definition and implementation of the rest of the activities and work packages in order to guarantee the successful implementation of the project activities.
Finally, Funditec will be actively involved in the dissemination of the project results in the region of Catalonia and will make sure that a significant number of agents in the region take advantage of the project’s future results.
Stai cercando materiali per rinnovare la scuola domiciliare o in ospedale?
Il toolkit del progetto Leho è finalmente pronto ad essere utilizzato. Sono presenti Strumenti, Risorse e documenti utili a livello istituzionale elaborati nel campo della Educazione domiciliare ed ospedaliera (HHE) in Europa.
Insegnare a bambini e ragazzi malati
Educazione domiciliare ed in ospedale: Guida internazionale alle nuove pratiche
Questo libro serve ad aiutare insegnanti ospedalieri e domiciliari a collegare strumenti, risorse e buone pratiche con gli aspetti teorici elaborati dal progetto LeHo. Si tratta quindi di uno strumento utile a sostenere ed indirizzare il lavoro quotidiano di insenganti di scuola in ospedale e domiciliare.