EDEN - European Distance and E-Learning Network
The European Distance and E-Learning Network exists to share knowledge and improve understanding amongst professionals in distance and e-learning and to promote policy and practice across the whole of Europe and beyond.
With more than 200 institutional members and over 1200 members in the Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP), EDEN assists a wide range of institutions, networks and individuals to become involved in professional information and networking activities. It does so through the organisation of acknowledged European conferences, its publications and information services, and by taking an active role in a wide range of important EU projects. EDEN has also proved successful with thematic activities such as the Open Classroom Working Group (school level distance education), and by contributing to, and promoting, ‘cutting edge’ research in the field. In addition, EDEN has also provided extensive secretarial support to the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL).
EDEN is the smart network for the professional community and a professional community for smart learning.
Role in the project
EDEN, based on its former experience and extensive professional network, will be responsible for the dissemination and exploitation of the project results and outputs both via the use of electronic information channels (web sites and electronic newsletters) and via face to face events – such as by providing visibility within the programme of the EDEN conferences; and consultation in formulation of key messages and of criteria for good practice.
Download the presentation from the KO meeting in Milan
Website: www.eden-online.org
Stai cercando materiali per rinnovare la scuola domiciliare o in ospedale?
Il toolkit del progetto Leho è finalmente pronto ad essere utilizzato. Sono presenti Strumenti, Risorse e documenti utili a livello istituzionale elaborati nel campo della Educazione domiciliare ed ospedaliera (HHE) in Europa.
Insegnare a bambini e ragazzi malati
Educazione domiciliare ed in ospedale: Guida internazionale alle nuove pratiche
Questo libro serve ad aiutare insegnanti ospedalieri e domiciliari a collegare strumenti, risorse e buone pratiche con gli aspetti teorici elaborati dal progetto LeHo. Si tratta quindi di uno strumento utile a sostenere ed indirizzare il lavoro quotidiano di insenganti di scuola in ospedale e domiciliare.