The non-profit organization Bednet was founded to serve children and adolescents aged from 6 to 18 years in the Flemish region (Belgium) who suffer from long-term and/or chronic illness. The service wants to decrease the learning gap caused by the illness and to re-establish / maintain social contact of sick children with the “outside world”, in particular their friends and teacher(s).
The Bednet scheme enables the child to attend classes and educational activities of his/her own mainstream school through broadband internet links.
The Bednet service provides co-operation with the parents and school (direction and staff). Each child is individually supported by a trained Bednet mentor, who also coaches the teacher(s) in optimal pedagogical practice as well as technical use of the videoconference system. During six school years Bednet served more than 700 different ill children in more than 460 different schools, a part of them in collaboration with hospitals schools.
Bednet was founded in 2003. The first two years were used to set up the organization, develop the virtual learning environment, develop networking and find funding and sponsoring. The first trials took place in 2006-2007 and implementation was realized in 2007-2008, serving 40 children. This number increased to just over 200 children in 2012-2013.
Role in the project
In the near future, Bednet wants to grow further to 500 children and to expand the network of regional and local coaches, thus optimizing its system and service. Therefore it also wants to get involved in European networking through participation in European projects.
The Bednet expertise is useful for the project especially in the field of improving the profile and competences of teachers (at home or in the hospital) in the use of ICT.
At the dissemination level, being from a bi-lingual country like Belgium, even if Bednet works mainly for the Flamish speaking area, it will contribute to the creation of several documents not only in Flemish (FL) but also in French (FR), potentially reaching in this way also target audience in France.
Bednet will be an active partner in the LeHo-network and make contributions as required.
To make an effective impact on the whole range of targets, from main to secondary, the LeHo network, in its last phase, will design and implement three different deliverables in order to reach policy makers, teachers and all the other actors involved in HHE from school to potentially universities. Bednet will be the lead partner in this process/work package.
Three deliverables are planned:
- A practical guide that will collect all the experiences of the project in a very concise and effective way, like comparison among National HHE procedures and experiences, a description of the profile of the HHE teacher, information on active services and best practices in ICT supporting HHE, hints and suggestions for the managing of HHE situations with the help of ICT.
- A toolkit for teachers in HHE to support the education of teachers all over EU in the use of the open/web2.0 solutions in their specific context. A special tool-kit will be designed and implemented and made available for free on the website.
- A European model for policy makers of every level, from school and hospital directors to regional and national policy makers, to give them a wide overview on the complex and evolving world of HHE and to help them to integrate in their policies and decisions the use of ICT to support the HHE.
Download the presentation from the KO meeting in Milan