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Need resources to innovate your hospital teaching?

A Toolkit for Home and Hospital Teachers

Finally the long-awaited LeHo HHE toolkit is ready! You can find Tools, Resources and institutional information on the Home and Hospital Education all over Europe and more.

LeHo Toolkit


Teaching children with medical needs

HHE: a guide to international innovative practice

This book will help the HHE teachers to match the potentials of the tools, resources and practices available in the LeHo Toolkit with the key theories and related good practices. It will be a support for the following ordinary activities and aspects of the HHE teachers.

LeHo Practical Guide

Recomendations to Policy Makers

Towards a EU Model

LeHo EU Model 

The LeHo European model is addressed to Policy Makers of every level, from school and hospital directors to regional and national all over Europe (and over). It includes:

  • a wide overview on the complex and evolving world of HHE
  • suggestions on how to disseminate the best practices in HHE.
  • help to integrate in their policies and decisions the use of ICT to support the HHE.

The document summarizes three years of LeHo works in less than 10 pages.


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Key Educational Factors

Key educational factors for education of children with medical needs

A review of the literature on key factors in education and in educational psychology was conducted and its Kkey Educational Ffactor (KEF) were outlined and organised into a limited number of categories. Subsequently, these factors were compared with existing literature on the education of children with a medical condition. The KEF were presented and discussed at the Hospital Organisation of Pedagogies in Europe conference in Bucarest in 2014.

See also: Infographics and the focus group Full Report.


The LeHo WEBINARS are meant to learn about innovative tools and relevant resources for home and hospital education practitioners, stakeholders and interested parties.
12 webinars (6 national and 6 international, held in English, German, Flemish, Italian and Spanish) took place between May – December 2016. The recordings are available on the list below and on the LeHo YT channel (updated regularely).

LeHo YouTube channel

WB LeHo YouTube picture

To know about the dates and other details please check here


Quality of student experience scale

The Quality of Student Experience Scale is based upon previous instruments and has three main dimensions:

1. Maintaining: refers to how the Home and Hospital Education (HHE) helps students maintain pre-illness skills/activities.

2. Improving: refers to how HHE helps students improve and grow in their learning, despite their medical conditions.

3. Overall: refers to the overall perception of the student of his/her school experience

You can download it here in several different languages.

logo-fondazione-LeHoFounded in 2003, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano is an agile and practical vehicle that opens doors to complex research for business enterprises, develops plans, encourages and supports the development of structures and laboratories, extends excellent competences, stimulates the creation of new technology-oriented companies.

FPM spotlights, promotes and makes the university’s expertise accessible through:
• the development of partnerships between the institution and the economic and social community
• the transfer of innovation from the academic world to businesses and public administration
• partnerships at international level
• support for the creation of new business ventures.


Digital Learning and Collaboration Area

Logo Digital Learning and Collaboration (Fondazione Politecnico)This new strategic area is aimed at creating new links and opportunities for the development of e-learning and e-collaboration programmes.
The ability of this area is to use and integrate different technologies and ICT tools with innovative methodologies to facilitate transfer of knowledge, information sharing, distance e-learning programs and e-collaboration practices.
Its staff has a long experience in national and international projects that allowed acquiring strong competences on innovative learning methodologies. Moreover, the team has acquired strong skills in project management methodologies based on e-collaborative approach, that has shown to improve the level of sharing and accountability among partnership.

On the side of Hospital and Home Education (HHE), FPM and Politecnico di Milano are directly involved in the design and the development of the Italian Portal for the School in The Hospital (PSO), the official website of the Ministry of Education (MIUR, associate partner of LeHo) for all the initiatives in Italy related to the school in the hospital and home tuition. The website ( includes a database designed to collect all the data (financial and operative) for the Ministry, the other one as an open source website that transforms part of this information (for instance the registry data about hospital sections and teachers) to the families of ill kids; it includes online community that allows communication among all hospital teachers, parents and decision makers.

Politecnico di Milano has also managed the HSH (Hospital School Home) teacher training programme at a national basis, providing lecturers and online e-learning modules for teachers in HHE.
It also developed the Scuola in Barca (School in a Boat - project, to allow a ‘bubble boy’, suffering from a serious allergic desease and forced to live on a boat, to follow his studies. Politecnico di Milano took also part to WISE (, that aims at developing a support system for education and special training of homebound people affected by temporary or chronic disabilities.

Download the short presentation (PPT file) from the KO meeting in Milan.

Role in the project

As Matteo Uggeri, the Coordinator of this project, said joking during the LeHo KO off meeting in Milan, FPM is the Almighty coordinator of the network and so does all the management.

FPM/Polimi has several years’ experience in leading EU projects, under the previous eLearning programme and actual LLP. Proactive management techniques combined with rigorous reporting mechanisms and strong relationships with the partners is the way FPM tries to bring LeHo to its final results.

It also supports the other Italian partner (Università degli Studi di Perugia) in the administration of the Italian community of LeHo, that in this specific case is the same one of the above mentioned project Portale Scuola in Ospedale (PSO).